Saturday, May 31, 2008

The People Of God

THE ONE PEOPLE OF GOD; Past, Present & Future
The book “The Late Great Planet Earth”, the movie “A Distant Thunder” and “The Left Behind” series of books and movies as well as many more Christian books and movies have one common theme, the secret rapture of the church and the events that follow it.

They all have their roots in a theological system called Dispensationalism that begins with the presupposition that there are two peoples of God- Israel and The Church and that in Bible prophecy they are always to be kept distinct and separate because Dispensationalist believe Israel and The Church have different futures. Dispensationalism began in the early 1800's through the teachings of John Nelson Darby and was propagated through the Plymouth Brethren movement. Later it was popularized through the Scoffield Reference Bibles and is being taught today at the Dallas Theological Seminary and many other schools as well as in most churches. Although it is accepted as fact by most Christians today (most of whom would not recognize it by it's name) its secret rapture theory and the dichotomy between Israel and the Church were completely unheard of in the Church prior to the days of Mr. Darby. It is this secret or pretribulation rapture of the church (exclusive of Old Testament saints) that all their theology centers around and every effort is made to prove and protect. Although not all dispensationalists will agree with one another on all their doctrines they all agree that there will be a secret rapture that only the Christians will see.

Dispensationalism also divides the scriptures according to dispensations (time periods) in which God works with specific people in specific ways, each dispensation having its own command, failure to obey the command, and judgment. This was done by Mr. Darby in the effort to separate the people of God in order to give a reason to justify his secret rapture. They say only the church is to be raptured not Old Testament believers. One of the dispensationalists' most used scripture passages is 2 Timothy 2:15 - “rightly dividing the word”. They therefore interpret the scriptures by means of the emphasis of “contrast and distinctions” perhaps even to the exclusion of allowing the scriptures to interpret themselves. This is especially dangerous when we consider that one of Christ's main purposes in redemption was to bring things together both in heaven and on earth (Eph. 1:9-10). When a passage clearly reads something other than their secret rapture or their defense thereof they will read their system into that passage by adding or ignoring words. An example of this is in 1 Thessalonians 4:16 where the indication is clear of a loud and terrifying event with the Lord appearing with trumpet blast, the graves being opened and the dead coming to life (apparently invisibly according to their descriptions of the event) yet they say this is a secret that only the Christians will see and hear.

Some dispensational teachers say the Bible cannot be understood or correctly interpreted without first recognizing their time periods or dispensations. In other words you must be taught the presuppositions before your study of the scriptures or you will never come up with the same conclusions they do concerning the Church and Israel or their secret rapture theory. I have no argument with them that there are clear changes or “divisions” in the times of human history. Dispensationalist teach at least three very obvious time periods. For example (1)Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden until they sinned and they were driven out. That was the first major change in human history. (2)Then there's the flood. Clearly that was a major change that divides pre-flood from post-flood humanity and all that came with that change. (3)Also the crucifixion of Jesus should clearly mark a major change which resulted in a change of Testaments (or Covenants). (4)And then when Christ comes again the scriptures speak of many changes for all of humanity as well as the universe. However these and other changes that I will mention later should not be understood from the dispensational presuppositional viewpoint that there are multiple peoples of God all of whom have their own specific and exclusive promises. The scriptures clearly teach however that God has a purpose and a plan which He carries out from eternity past to eternity future. It continues and unfolds continuously over the whole of time. Although there are clear and obvious changes even time periods in human history they can be understood only by allowing the scriptures to be unlocked by Jesus and His Apostles as they explain the covenants. Just as Jesus opened the eyes of his disciples on the road to Emmaus concerning the mysteries about himself in the Old Testament scriptures we must allow him and his disciples to open up our minds to the mysteries that were once illumined to the early church but have in recent years been hidden again to so many.

It has been pointed out by some dispensational teachers that at least some of the early church fathers recognized at least four major divisions in time of human history and thereby the implication is made that even the early church fathers were dispensational thinkers. However the early Church fathers nor anyone else in all of Church history ever conceived of the modern idea that Israel and the Church were distinctly separate nor is there a separate gathering of New from Old Testament saints in a secret rapture nor any return to Old Testament concepts of worship as the legitimate form of worship ever again. Dispensationalists are desperately seeking to protect their secret rapture and have developed their system of separation between Israel and the Church to justify it. All the other time periods or dispensations they describe would be acceptable enough if it were not for their seperation of the Church and Israel in their last two dispensations. Let the scriptures speak! Where is the clear break if Israel is seperate from the Church? When were the Elect of Israel ever rejected or “set aside” and the church begun as a seperate entity? It's not in the book of Acts as they claim. Paul in every town where there was a synagogue taught the Jews first and then he went to the gentiles to the very end of his life.

Their system appears to be based on a basic misunderstanding of the “Old Testament” mystery that the gentiles were to be heirs together with Israel and they must therefore ignore the words “as”, “some”, and “among” in the key passages dealing with the subject of the mystery.

Our study is to show how the church has believed historically and how the reformed churches continue to believe. I will also attempt to demonstrate how redemption, salvation, and the adoption work, to demonstrate how the church in God's eyes is the continuation of Israel, and to correct some of dispensationalism's most objectionable teachings which include:
1) The discontinuity of Old Testament Israel from the Church- “The Mystery” in the Old Testament.
2) Multiple (at least two) means of salvation: no baptism by the Holy Spirit for Old Testament saints. Two New Covenants.
3) The belief that the time period of the church is a parenthesis in the prophetic program for national Israel, to the point that no Old Testament prophecy can directly refer to the “Church Age”.

The Mystery 1Peter 1:10-12
Dispensationalists say that the mystery preached by Paul was “completely” hidden before it was revealed to Paul. By this they mean that no Old Testament prophecy can directly refer to the Church. However! We will see the apostles and Jesus teach differently (Lk. 6:47-49).

Matthew 8:5-12 (Matt. 21:38,43) Jesus disclosed the mystery! ...many will come from the east and the west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. But the subjects of the kingdom (the unbelieving Jews) will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.Luke 13:28-30; Colossians 1:12-14

John 10:14-16 I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them (gentile believers) also. They too will listen to my voice and there shall be one flock (still Israel) and one shepherd.


Ephesians 2:15b-20 His purpose was to create in himself one new (redeemed) man out of the two (Jew & Gentile) thus making peace and then in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross by which he put to death their hostility ...for through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit...Ephesians 3:4-6 This mystery was not understood by other generations (to the same extent) " 'as' it has now been revealed by the Spirit..." This mystery is that...the gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus.”
Verse 5 “as”- (defined) To the same extent or degree. If the word “but” were used instead of “as” then dispensationalist would have better proof so they must therefore ignore the word as. Then they add the word 'completely' to their interpretation of Ephesians 3:9 to create proof that this mystery was “completely” hidden in ages past. If it were completely hidden in the past then there would have never been a time that there was a mystery. What they say was revealed to Paul would instead be just another new revelation. There would be no "mystery".

The mystery was not that these truths were completely unknown in the Old Testament but rather that they were not understood as completely as they are today. 1 Peter 1:10-13

The Old Testament is full of passages that refer to the salvation and inclusion of the gentiles (Deut 32:43 Rejoice, O nations, with his people; Ps 18:49 Therefore I will praise you among the nations; Ps 117:1 Praise the Lord, all you nations; Is 11;10 In that day the root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples; the nations will rally to him, and his place of rest will be glorious.; Is 52:15 For what they[many nations and kings] were not told, they will see, and what they have not heard, they will understand.; Amos 9:12 ...all the nations that bear my name; Hosea 1:9-10; 2:23 I will say to those called “Not my people, You are my people; and they will say, You are my God”.) but what Israel could not understand was that the gentile salvation would be in combination with the Old as well as New Testament covenant promises or in other words the believing gentiles would share everything promised to Israel including and through their Christ. The who, what, when, and how it would happen was “the mystery”. If you or I had lived during Old Testament times these and other similar passages would have created in our minds a great mystery. One New Testament question that deals with this mystery is, who are Abraham's true offspring to whom the eternal covenant promises pertain? Who is qualified for the eternal inheritance? Some text that answer these questions are the following:
Galatians 3:6-9,14,16,26-29 Jesus Christ is “the seed” to whom the promises were made ...those who believe in him are clothed with him and are made the real children of Abraham and thus sons of God and heirs of the promises (Galatians 4:4-7).
Romans 2:28-29 A man is a Jew if he is one inwardly; and circum- cision is of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code.
Romans 4:13-17 ...the promise that (Abraham and his offspring) would be heir of the world comes by faith... and may be guaranteed to all Abraham's offspring - not only to those who are of the law... Abraham... is father of us all... in the sight of God who calls things that are not as though they were.
John 8:31-59(vs39) ... if you (Jewish leaders) were Abraham's children you would do the works (believe and obey Heb.11:8) of Abraham.
Romans 9:6-9 Not all who are descended from Israel are Israel. Not all who are descended from Abraham are Abraham's children. It is the children born of a miracle (born supernaturally) that are Abraham's real children and thus children of God as spoken of in John 1:13 ...children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God. Hebrews 11:11-12 Abraham was past age... “as good as dead” and so was Sarah when Isaac was conceived. In the same way we are made children of Abraham by an act of God not by human effort or human descent.

The vital texts to understand:
The Israel/church unity comes as we "All are In Christ and He In Us" (Colossians 1:26-27)!
Galatians 3:16 Christ is the seed to whom the inheritance was promised Galatians 3-4; Hebrews 1:2; Colossians 1:16 *Christ is the Heir of all things... all things were created by him and for him. He is the only one worthy to receive an eternal inheritance. He purchased us with his own blood. We are his reward and his possession. * NOTE: This is the most important thing to remember of all that we want to look at in this paper. Acts 4:10-12 Salvation is found in no one else ... He is the “seed” and the Israel to whom the covenant promises were made. All believers of all times have now been baptized into Christ with/by his Spirit and are thus co-heirs with him. The first Adam's descendants were all born physically. The second Adam's descendants are all born spiritually. The first Adam's children were born spiritually dead as a result of Adam's sin. They had to be born again by the second Adam to receive what had been lost.

But how is this accomplished? The ONE BAPTISM of Ephesians 4:5. It is the one way to life & resurrection.
Dispensationalist teach that the Old Testament saints do not partake of this baptism. We are NOT referring to water baptism, which is only a picture of the real thing that the Holy Spirit accomplishes.
Galatians 3:26 “for all of you were baptized into Christ...”

BAPTISM: is the act and process of the Spirit of Christ placing a person's dead spirit into the death and life of Jesus Christ and that life into them, guaranteeing eternal life at the resurrection of the dead. Baptism by the Holy Spirit changes the status of this person from being enemies with God to a state of being completely accepted and loved by God as He accepts and loves His own Son. Read Romans 5:12- Romans 6:5

Note the connection between baptism and the resurrection and how it must apply to ALL believers.
  1. Romans 6:3-5,10 Paul defines baptism...”united with Him in His (Christ's) death... also resurrection”. Christ is the second Adam and acts on behalf of all saints and all saints must be united to him by the Spirit through baptism.
  2. Romans 8:9-11 “And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ.” If the Old Testament saints do not belong to Christ, they have no way of resurrection. Yet even the Old Testament witnesses that they will receive this same Spirit that gives life. Ezekiel 37:12,14 I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them... I will put my Spirit in you and you will live... It is ludicrous to think that the Old Testament saints have no part in Christ's baptism since Paul states that they were the first to hope in Christ( Ephesians 1:12). Gentiles were added later to that same hope (Ephesians 2:11-13).
  3. 1 Corinthians 12:12-13 “... we were ALL baptized by one Spirit into one body...” !!!
  4. 1 Corinthians 15:22 “For as in Adam ALL die, so IN CHRIST shall ALL be made alive.” (John 17:2-3 For you granted him [Jesus] authority over all people, that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him.) a. Note: The context of 1 Corinthians 15 is dealing with how the resur- rection works. b. Note: 1 Thessalonians 4:16 “... the dead IN CHRIST shall rise first”
  5. Ephesians 4:5 ”There is ... one baptism; one God and Father of ALL, who is over ALL and through ALL and in ALL.
  6. 1 Peter 3:18-22 ”For Christ died once for ALL, the righteous for the unrighteous... baptism... it saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ” Romans 6:10; Hebrews 10:10
  7. Matthew 3:11; Mark 1:8 John the Baptist tells of the coming of One who will baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Isaiah 4:2-4; Acts 2
  8. Acts 24:14-15, 21 and Acts 28:16-21, 23, 31 (Ezekiel 37:11-14) Israel's hope was the resurrection. (No everlasting promise is good if the saints remain in a grave.) It could only come through this baptism into Christ. Their only hope of an everlasting kingdom was by way of the resurrection IN CHRIST and this is what Paul preached. (We are “co-heirs” with Christ, only by His resurrecting us all to immortality. This is the promise to Adam and Eve of redemption through the seed redeemer and has been expected all through time ever since the fall of man.)

Now that we have seen how the saints are all united to Christ by the Spirit into his death and resurrection we will look back at "Christ is the heir of all things".

MATTHEW 21:38,43 Israel's unbelieving leaders killed THE HEIR... the Kingdom was taken from them(the unbelieving Jews). New leaders were chosen ( the apostles) and gentile believers in time were grafted into the unbelievers place along with the believing Jews. Christ redeemed them all forming a new redeemed (not different) presently invisible but all saved Israel. (Rom 11:17,26; 8:23; Gal.4:5; Lk13:28)

Ezekiel 34; John 10: 11-18 The good shepherd...two flocks become one (It's still Israel in that Christ brought the gentiles into the already existing group of saints [Jn 10:16]- the mystery revealed).

John 11:49-52 Jesus would die for the nation and... (we know he died for the whole world. John 3:16) would gather together in one the children of God...

Colossians 1:12-14 (The Old Testament Mystery) We gentiles were made to share in Christ's kingdom which is the inheritance of the saints.

ADOPTION: Co-heirs with Christ

  1. (Rom 8:15-25) received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry “Abba, Father... Now if we are children, then we are heirs--heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ...
  2. Romans 9:4...(Israel) theirs is the adoption as sons... Gentiles have been grafted into what was and is still believing Israel's. Just as Abraham, Issac and Jacob were once gentiles but were made into Israel so now is the case with believing gentiles. They are made a part of believing Israel.
  3. Galatians 4:4-7 ... and since you are a son, God made you also an heir.
  4. Ephesians 1:4-5 We were chosen, adopted, and redeemed as sons through Jesus Christ. With an understanding that the adoption as sons comes only IN CHRIST then we can understand HOW Israel was to receive their inheritance and how it can be said of Israel that they are Jehovah's firstborn and of us that we “have come to the church of the firstborn (Hebrews 12:22-23). Christ is the firstborn.

Romans 9:4 ...(Israel) theirs are the promises...

The covenants are full of God's Promises to man however; No promises are of any value without life and eternal life is only available IN CHRIST and CHRIST IS THE HEIR! Neither physical birth or obedience to the law are of any value as far as inheritance of the promises are concerned. The only thing that counts is being IN CHRIST because CHRIST IS THE HEIR! God can call anyone He chooses Israel or the church but the only thing that counts for inheritance rights is being IN CHRIST BECAUSE CHRIST IS THE HEIR! (Romans 8:15-25

Romans 11 True believing Israel (the remnant of old Israel) has not been rejected or “set aside” even temporarily.

Verse 7: The elect of Israel did receive what they were seeking.
  • Verse 17: Only some of Israel's branches were broken off - the unbelieving branches - and we believing Gentiles were grafted in among the remaining believing Jewish branches to form a new redeemed all saved Israel/church. This is the people (the holy nation-1 Peter 2:9-10) Jesus was speaking of in Matthew 21:43 (the mystery).
    • God did NOT create another tree called the church beside the old tree of Israel!
    • God did NOT “set aside” the old tree of Israel by breaking off all it's branches and grafting in all new branches.
    • God did not plant a new temporary tree (the church)in the place of the old tree of Israel.
    • God broke off “some” of the branches of Israel (the unbelieving ones) and grafted in believing gentile branches “among” the remaining believing Jewish branches to make ONE TREE -STILL ISRAEL- ONLY NOW WITH ALL BELIEVING BRANCHES!

    The Church Did Not “Replace” Israel !!

    The church includes the remnant of old Israel. Only the unbelievers of national Israel were replaced but the unbelievers were never a part of the real Israel anymore than someone who attends church today is saved just because they may have joined a church. Now we all are REDEEMED yet presently waiting for the redemption and restoration of all things (Acts 3:19-21) that is yet to come at Christ return. In eternity we will have a land of our own (the whole restored earth) in which all the “forever” promises will be fulfilled.

    We are presently in the “new wilderness experience” spoken of in the old testament (Isa.40:3-5; Is. 41:17-20; 42:16; 43:19-21 See, I am doing a new thing! ...I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland... to give drink to my people, my chosen, the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise.) Christ acted as the second Adam but also as the real Israel when he remained faithful to God during his temptation in the desert/ wilderness for forty days (Lk 4:1-13) unlike old (shadow)Israel who was tempted for forty years and rebelled repeatedly. God even declared on oath that old Israel would never enter His rest (Hebrews 3:11). Christ has given us a New Covenant (Isa. 42:21,24; 48:17-18; 51:7; 55:3; Jer.31:1-6, 31-34; Ezek. 20:33-38) and thereby grouped all believers together in Christ's kingdom- the Israel/church. Now we, the Israel/church are looking forward to entering God's rest in the “new promised land”--the land of sabbath rest beyond mortality. The book of Hebrews chapters 3-4 builds on this new wilderness experience and the future glory rest to come (see also Acts 7:36-45 & 1 Corinthians 10). Old national Israel was only a shadow of the present church/Israel and the better things that were to come. It never was nor ever was planned to be the realities themselves.

    Read: "The End Times Made Simple" by Sam Waldron chapter 18 pgs 156-157

    The Superiority of the Israel/Church to Old Israel!

    Our superiority could be summarized by the reality that we (all the saints of all time) have now been brought under a New and Better Covenant with a Better Sacrifice and Better Promises. (See Hebrews 8-10) GOD CALLS US THE ONE BODY ISRAEL OR THE CHURCH: Romans 4:17 Abraham the father of us the sight of God who calls things that are not as though they were. (He speaks things into existence.)

    Matthew 3:9 I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham. Galatians 6:16 We are “The Israel of God”. 1 Peter 2:9-10 We are not just “a” people of God but “the” people of God “The Israel of God”.

    Remember- Romans 9:4 ...(Israel) theirs are the promises... Ephesians 2:11-22 (vss.12-13,19) VERSE 13 The gentiles have been“BROUGHT NEAR” TO WHAT? (see verse 12) Gentiles are:

    • No longer separate from Christ.
    • No longer excluded from citizenship in Israel.
    • No longer excluded from O.T. Israel's covenants of promise

    The Holy Spirit is the promise that presently guarantees the rest of the promised inheritance [Christ's Kingdom]-Eph. 1:13-14 )

    • Now we are made one with Israel (vs 14).
    • Now this reconciled Israel is one body of believing Jews and Gentiles.
    • Now the believing gentiles share together the same hope with all the jewish saints in the commonwealth of Israel- the promised kingdom. Colossians 1:12-14

    The fact that the gentiles have been made co-heirs along with the Old and New Testament Jewish saints (they are all New Covenant saints now) does not void the promises. It fulfills them. Real believing Israel will receive it's land and much more on this redeemed earth for all eternity when Jesus returns. Since the gentile believers have been made partakers with Israel of the covenants of promise we must look at what we all are to share in.


    Edenic Covenant -

    Genesis 3:15,21 Hope is given through a promised seed redeemer for a return to what was lost by original disobedience. (It could truly be said that since all things were created by and for Jesus and He is the seed redeemer then all things are being redeemed by him and for him.)(It should be noted that the Old Testament Saints were all looking forward to something that is seldom spoken of in the Old Testament. It is, however, explained in Hebrews 11:10,16,26,35,39-40 that they as well as we are all looking forward to the same things, i.e.,not only a return to the former glory before the fall of man from the Garden of Eden, but to return to it with the promises made in the covenants.)

    Abrahamic Covenant Genesis 12:1-7 promises

    • A great nation
    • Abram blessed and made famous
    • God said, “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.”
    • All peoples of the earth will be blessed through Abram (Christ is Abram's “Seed” and a blessing to all people)
    • ”This land” (the land of Canaan) promised

    Genesis 13:14-17 promises

    • ”All the land that you see I will give you and your “seed” forever.”
    • Your offspring will be numerous like the dust of the earth

    Genesis 15:4-21 promises

    • “this land” promised again
    • Covenant blood is shed after verse 8
    • Abram told he would die Paradox - How can Abram die and yet receive this land as an everlasting inheritance? (RESURRECTION!)
    • Verses 17-18 God makes the land possession (Palestinian) covenant while Abram is sleeping

    Genesis 17:1-8

    • An everlasting covenant
    • The whole land of Canaan is promised to Abraham and to his “seed” as an everlasting possession
    • Abram's name changed to Abraham

    Romans 4:13-17 “...all Abraham's offspring-heirs of the world... (he is the father of all who are of the faith of Abraham)
    (Genesis 17:9-14 Covenant of circumcision- the sign of the covenant [Col. 2:11-12])

    Important promises: Exodus 15:26; Exodus 19:5-6; Exodus 23:25-26

    Mosaic Covenant - Exodus 24:3-8; Leviticus 26:1-46 “If you obey” (see verses 3-6 - This sounds just like the New Covenant but it seems dependent on human effort which is doomed to fail. It can only make one hope for a better way.)

    Deuteronomy 28-29

    Romans 2:26; Romans 8:2-4 What men were powerless to do in their attempts to fully keep the law (Mosaic) covenant, God accomplished for them through Christ in the New Covenant so maybe the Mosaic Covenant is not as conditional as it appears for those who are born again. It just depends on faith in Christ rather than on our own personal ability.

    Davidic Covenant - 2 Samuel 7:8-16 1)

    • David's throne is established forever
    • Israel is planted so that they can have a home of their own
    • God gives “rest” from all enemies
    • David's “seed” is given a kingdom that lasts forever
    • David's seed (Christ) will build God's house
    • David's house, kingdom and throne will last forever*
      * Luke 1:31-32 - Jesus will be great and will be given the throne of His father, David, .... his kingdom will never end.

    The New Covenant or The Covenant of Christ ( Also called the Covenant of Grace by some or the Eternal Covenant)

    (Hebrews 13:20 How can what is called New also be called Eternal? IT'S RETROACTIVE! It's not limited by time as we understand time just as God works outside of the limitations of time. Some of it's promises are still future but it's redemption and forgiveness of sins are for all time and for all of fallen creation. Isaiah 42:21,24; Jeremiah 31:1-6, 31-34 Ezekiel 20:33-38; Ezekiel 34:25-28; Ezekiel 36:28,33-35;

    Matthew 26:26-29 This is the establishment of the New Covenant.

    Matthew 27:32- Matthew 28:20 The sacrifice and conditions of the New Covenant.

    Hebrews 7:11 - Hebrews 10 A comparison of the Old shadow (Mosaic) and New Covenants.

    The promises of Christ's New Covenant to all saints: (Past, Present & Future)

    • a new heart and spirit (Jeremiah 31:33; 32:39-40; Ezekiel 36:26)
    • Forgiveness of sins (Jeremiah 31:34; Ezekiel 36:25 Matthew 26:28; Ephesians 1:7; 4:32; Colossians 1:14 1 John 2:12)
    • The indwelling Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19; Ezekiel 36:27)
    • All Israel (including those grafted in) knows Jehovah God (Jeremiah 31:34; Rom. 11:26)
    • A right attitude toward God and the ability to obey (Jeremiah 32:39-40; Ezekiel 36:27; 37:23-34; Romans 7:22; 2 Peter 1:4; 2 Corinthians 3:3)
    • God's word and Spirit would never depart from Israel (including those grafted in-Mt. 28:20)(Isaiah 59:21)
    • Dangerous beasts eliminated from the land (Ezekiel 34:25-28)
    • Security in the promised land (Ezekiel 34:25-28; Rom.4:13-17)
    • No more threats and insults from other nations (Ezekiel 34: 28-29)
    • Abundance of food - eliminating famine (Ezekiel 34:28-29; Ezekiel 36:29-30)
    • Land like the garden of Eden (Ezekiel 34:29; Ezekiel 36:34-35) Includes the whole earth. Rom. 4:13,16
    • Perfectly controlled rainfall (Ezekiel 34:26) 13) Israel's cities rebuilt and inhabited (Ezekiel 36:33)
    • Population explosion (Ezekiel 36:37-38; 37:26)
    • Unified nation (Ezekiel 37:21-22)
    • Israel will live in the land forever (Ezekiel 37:25)
    • God will dwell in Israel forever (Ezekiel 37:26-28)
    • God will never turn away from the people of Israel (Jeremiah 32:40)

    Privileges of citizenship in the redeemed Israel include; (The list is incomplete)

    • Christ- Israel's Messiah (Colossians 1:26-27; 2:3)
    • The adoption in Christ (Romans 9:4: Galatians 4:5)
    • Christ's kingdom- promised to Israel (Abrahamic covenant, Davidic covenant & the New Covenant - Colossians 1:12-14 “the inheritance of the saints”)
    • Christ's Holy Spirit- Promised to Israel (The New covenant Isaiah 4:4; Ezek 36:26-27;Mt 3:11; Mk.1:8; Eph 1:13-14)
    • The Land (Abrahamic covenant-Gen.12:7;13:15;15:18; An Everlasting Possession of the Land- Gen. 17:8; Rom. 4:13-17 “all Abraham's offspring-heir of the world)
    • The Land (Mosaic covenant-Lev. 26:40-46;Rom2:26& 8:2-4; Gal. 5:16-18)
    • The Land & Life (Deut. 30:2,6,19-20; Gal 2:21; Rom 2:29)
    • The Land & Security ( The New Covenant- Ezek 34:25-28; 36:28,33-35)
    • Israel's spiritual blessings (Romans 15:26-27; 4:1-12; Ephesians 1:3; James 1:16-18)

    Some dispensationalists say there are TWO “NEW COVENANTS” !

    But clearly there is only one mediator, Jesus Christ, His blood shed for all, and one Holy Spirit! (see "There Really Is A Difference" by R Showers pgs 100-105)Renald Showers even though he is dispensational admits that the church is related somehow to the New Covenant. He has established three lines of evidence. The Church:

    • 1) Partakes of the communion service.
    • 2) Partakes of the spiritual blessings promised as part of the New Covenant.
    • 3) Apostles functioned as ministers of the New Covenant (2 Cor 3:6)

    All he lacks is an understanding of Ephesians 3:6 that in the future the gentiles will share Israel's inheritance equally through their equal union to the Christ of the New Covenant.

    This New Covenant = A New Redeemed Israel

    Dispensationalist say that after the church is raptured from the earth that the kingdom of national physical Israel will be restored in it's land and that the Old Testament law with some new variations (the sermon on the mount) will be re-established with it's priests and sacrificial system and will be the legitimate way of worship again. What an insult to Jesus Christ's once for all sacrifice!

    We are NOT looking forward to a return of the old testament types and shadows which have become obsolete (Hebrews 8:13) in a future millenial kingdom but rather the blessed hope at Christ's return is for all saints of the better promises of the New Covenant. This New Covenant encompasses all the other covenants and is better in that it's sacrifice was once for all, it's mediator (Christ)still lives to represent us before God and it has a life giving Spirit that enables all the saints to actually inherit all of the forever promises which have expanded to include all the world and heaven (Romans 4:13-17; Ephesians 1:10).

    The Promise (Eph.3:6) was the Holy Spirit; The guarantee of the inheritance! Ephesians 1:13-14 The Inheritance of the saints is the Kingdom! Colossians 1:12-14

    Concepts of the Kingdom:

    • Refered to as Christ's Kingdom & The Father's Kingdom
    • Originates in heaven- established on earth at creation
    • Lost on earth due to sin
    • Re-established on earth in part by Christ's (the second Adam) first coming (Redemption price paid)
    • Power is through Christ and His Spirit
    • Believers are it's ambassadors to the lost world
    • Comes in gradually until Christ's return
    • Will be worldwide
    • Is everlasting

    1 Chronicles 29:11-12 Everything in heaven and earth is God's. He is the exalted head over all His kingdom.

    The kingdom of God began on earth with creation (Matthew 25:34) and His glory was manifested in everything God made. Man was made in God's image and given authority to “rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground” (Genesis1:28). God saw all that he had made, and it was very good (Genesis 1:31).

    Satan entered the picture when he tempted the first couple to sin by causing them to disobey God. Now he is referred to as the prince of this fallen world system. John12:31;16:11 Hebrews 2:14 (Christ came to destroy the works of Satan.)

    GOD HAS NOT & WILL NOT GIVE UP ON HIS EARTHLY KINGDOM Colossians 1:16,20 says that all things were created by Christ and for Christ and that through him ALL THINGS will be reconciled to God. We are headed for a return to the Eden type of experience we fell from. Ephesians 1:9-10 ...God's purpose is to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under Christ, not to annihilate the earth as some say.

    Daniel 2:31-35, 44-45 The Rock or Stone is Christ and His kingdom. He will utterly destroy the earthly kingdoms and will fill the whole earth with His kingdom which lasts forever. (John 18:36 My kingdom is not of this world)

    (In Matthew 16:18-19 The Church and the Kingdom are equated to one another by Christ building his Church on this rock and Peter is given the keys to the Church/Kingdom.)

    Daniel 7:13-18 Christ's Kingdom will never be destroyed and the saints will possess it forever - yes, forever and ever.

    The Davidic Covenant - 2 Samuel 7:12-16

    After David's own death, God will raise up His seed (Christ) and will establish His kingdom forever. David's house (family), throne (authority) and kingdom (domain) will endure forever.

    “Prophetic Perspective” is when a prophecy has multiple fulfillments. This can be seen in this passage where Solomon builds the temple in Israel but Christ is building the true heavenly temple/house of which we are the building materials.

    God's theocratic kingdom is promised on earth as it was in the garden of Eden, and during David's time, but it is not limited to earth.

    The silence in 2 Samuel 7 concerning the heavenly authority of the seed of David does not limit that authority to earth. The dispensationalists say that Christ's throne is not presently on earth therefore his kingdom is not on earth at this present time. But the truth is that Jesus has been given all authority in heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18). In the same way, even though Christ is now in heaven, that does not diminish His Davidic authority on earth. We must still obey our King as He commanded in Matthew 28:19-20 even above the authority of our national governments if their laws conflict with Christ commands.

    2 Corinthians 5:20 We are now Christ's royal ambassadors to the lost nations. We are not waiting for a future earthly throne or kingdom to become Christ's ambassadors. We are presently his ambassadors. He and his present kingdom are where our deepest desires and allegiances must be even though it is as yet invisible.

    Luke 16:16 - The law and the prophets were proclaimed until the time of John the Baptist but since that time the gospel of the kingdom has been preached. Everything that has been preached since John the Baptist has been a part of the kingdom of Christ.

    John 3:3,5 Entrance into Christ's kingdom is through a second birth. We are immediately translated into Christ's kingdom when we believe the gospel even though our location does not change. Luke 17:20-21...the kingdom is within you. Yet Luke 21:31 says when speaking of future events that ... “when you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom is near.” So the kingdom is both present and yet future in it's fullness. 1 Corithians 15:50 ...flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom. The kingdom that believers inherit is yet future after the resurrection.

    Christ's kingdom comes in two phases which was an unknown concept or mystery (Luke 8:10) in the Old Testament. The first phase began with Christ's public ministry. Luke 11:20 Jesus said “If I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the Kingdom of God has come to you”. Yet Jesus did not throw off the oppression of his enemies as promised in the old testament. It is this mystery form of kingdom that Jesus had to spend much of His time explaining in His teachings (Matthew 13). It is during this first phase that we pray for the second phase when our father's will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10).

    Our present day continues this first phase of the kingdom in which the gentiles are qualified ( Colosians 1:12-14)and made to be fellow-citizens with Israel and co-heirs of the promises even though many of those promises wait to be fulfilled in the second and final phase of the kingdom.

    Revelation 5:9-10 ...with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God and they will reign ON THE EARTH.

    It can be recognized that the people of Israel did not understand this first form of the kingdom by the statement in John 12:34 which demonstrates that they believed when the Christ came that it would be forever.

    The second phase begins when Christ returns in glory at the last trumpet with a consuming fire that judges and destroys the things of this world as spoken of in 2 Peter 3:10-13. Christ will appear and this world will fully become his kingdom. Revelation 11:15 And the seventh angel sounded his trumpet...The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign forever and ever. Verse 18 ...The time has come for judging the dead and for rewarding your servants the prophets and your saints and those who reverence your name, both small and great and for destroying those who destroy the earth. (Satan is the great destroyer.)

    Acts 3:21 Christ must remain in heaven until the time comes for God to RESTORE EVERYTHING!!!! 1 Corinthians 15:20-26 ...Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death.
    This second phase of God's plan to restore the kingdom is compared in scripture to a new birth so it is only fitting to watch for the labor pains before the birth of that eternal state when the old earth gives birth to the new earth. (Is. 66:7,9; Jer. 30:6-7; Zeph. 2:2; Micah 4:10; 5:3; Matt. 24:8)
    In the following passages note the time of distress/tribulation which is unmatched ever before in history, the last trumpet, and the resurrection which are all a part of Christ's second coming to establish his authority over all the earth: 1Corinthians 15:52; 1Thes 4:16; Matt 24:31; Daniel 12:1-3; 1 Cor. 15: 20-58; 1 Thessalonians 4:13- 1 Thessalonians 5:6; Matthew 24:21-22,29-31

    Our present hope when we die is to be present with the Lord in the intermediate heaven as spoken of in John 14:2-4.

    In the future however, this heavenly place will come down to be on this recreated/renewed/ restored/redeemed/reconciled/resurrected/reborn (whatever scripture calls it) earth as spoken of in Revelation 11:15 and Ezekiel 37:27; Revelation 21:1-3.

    It is at that time that the teaching of Jesus (Matthew 19:28) and Peter (Acts 3:19-21) will be fulfilled and “all things” will be regenerated/restored/refreshed (depending on what version of the bible is read) that were lost at the fall of mankind due to that original sin.

    Hebrews 1:10-12 In the beginning, O Lord, you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. They will perish, but you remain; they will wear out like a garment. You will roll them up like a robe; like a garment they will be changed.

    This passage demonstrates that it is not a completely new earth that is spoken of in Revelation 21:1 but a renewed earth as refered to in Matthew 19:28 & Acts 3:19-21. Restored to a precurse- Garden of Eden type of place which is consistant with the New Covenant promise in Ezekiel 34:29 and 36:34-35. Ezekiel 37:24-28 (Revelation 21:3) says that God will put His sanctuary among his people forever. Heaven will be on this redeemed earth forever.We should be looking forward to that day after the final judgement when King Jesus says (Matt.25:34), “Come, you who are blessed by my father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you SINCE THE CREATION of the world”.

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