Sunday, October 25, 2009

Support for Israel

I have heard so many times the statement being made that we as a nation must support the nation of Israel because they are God's chosen people and that our own survival as a nation depends directly on how we support the nation Israel. But is that statement or idea true? Is it supported by scripture?

The proponents of the idea derive their evidence from the promise of God made to Abraham, the father of Israel. "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you."

But aren't we blessed through Christ? (Ephesians 1:3-14) Are nations not blessed as they follow Christ and not just because they support national Israel? Would Christ bless that unbelieving nation if he were to walk there now? Did he not curse them?

(Compare Isaiah 5:7 to Matthew 21:33-43 context [Lk 20:9-19; John 15:1-10]; Acts 3:17-23)

So who should our nation support/bless? Who are Abraham's true descendants according to the scriptures? (Rom 4; Gal 3-4)

I don't want anyone to think I'm against ethnic Israel. I think we should be loving them to Christ just like we should for every ethnic group but let's not deceive ourselves to think they are God's chosen people today just because they were His chosen before calvary. All of true Israel was redeemed on that day through that blood. Sure more have been added all through history since then. Our purpose today is be loving peacemakers for Christ. We are his ambassadors to them and the world to convince them that they can be at peace with God and with their neighbors as they learn the forgiveness that comes through Christ. We are never told to support huge zionist political movements but we should be supporting vast missionary/ambassador movements that can help change lives and thereby change nations. Don't be deceived. The US government will never have the solution to the middle east problems. Only Jesus can make people willing to forgive one another and live together in peace. When we pray for the peace of Jerusalem we must have a missionary movement in mind. True peace can only come through Jesus-the prince of peace.

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